Cinar News Staff

Baldy is probably our most working staff here on the team.
He is eager to find news that are worthy enough to publish on our website.
He is hard working and a dog of quality when it comes to doing work, we can't imagine where we would've been without him.

Michael Jackson works on our writing department.
He is a very talented writer and succeeds at getting his points straight in his writings.
Even though he randomly starts moonwalking in the office It's great to have him on our team

To be honest, we really don't know who this guy is, he randomly came to our office one day with a news idea in mind.
We found his writing magnificent and published it and that very writing is still our top.
This is why he deserves to be in the staff team.

This is Lily and she gets the technical things done here like our website and mobile app etc.
She has never missed a day since she applied for the job and I don't think that is ever gonna happen.
She is hard-working, and eager to solve problems which is why she's on the team.